The family of the late Matt Osborne, who is best known as being the first and longest-running professional wrestler to portray the character of Doink...
Cezar Bononi, a wrestler from Brazil, has signed a contract with WWE after participating in a tryout in January with other “world-class” athletes from the...
Two former WWE Superstars appear in TNA...
Sunday night at Money in the Bank, Sheamus captured the Money in the Bank briefcase to earn a guaranteed WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match, defeating...
Christian is no longer wrestling for WWE even though he didn’t have a formal retirement and the reason is that WWE decided to stop using...
Prior to being brought up from NXT to the main WWE roster, there were rumors and reports stating that Adrian Neville was slated to enter... The E! Network issued a press release this week touting the return of “Total Divas” on Tuesday, July 7 at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT., and...
There was a ten-bell salute for Dusty Rhodes, led by William Regal before Thursday's WWE NXT live event in Pittsburgh. Triple H posted this video...
– Dustin “Goldust” Runnels wrote the following on Facebook about his father Dusty Rhodes passing away: Yesterday my father passed away with his four children,...
– Below are reactions from around the wrestling world on the passing of WWE Hall of Famer Dusty Rhodes: #RIPDustyRhodes We never got to shoot...
– Below are recent WWE attendance figures: * June 5th in Ft. Pierce, FL for NXT drew 550 fans * June 5th in Jackson, MS...
WWE announced Thursday afternoon that Virgil Runnels, aka “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes, passed away at the age of 69. Details have surfaced regarding the...
WWE announced Thursday afternoon that Virgil Runnels, aka “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes, has passed away...