Stephanie McMahon Looks Back At Her Wardrobe Malfunctions On WWE Television

Stephanie McMahon

The women of WWE have had their share of wardrobe-related mishaps over the years and Stephanie McMahon is no exception. Within the span of only a few weeks in early 2002, Stephanie suffered three embarrassing wardrobe malfunctions.

Determined to put her marriage with Triple H back on track in February 2002, Stephanie claimed she was pregnant and convinced him to renew their wedding vows. However, minutes before the ceremony was due to take place (in the middle of the ring on Raw of course), Hunter received a phone call from Linda McMahon informing him that Stephanie lied about being pregnant.

Hunter waited until just the right moment in the ceremony to go off on Stephanie.

“As I look into your eyes tonight, I see you for what you truly are … a no-good lying bitch!”

Stephanie appeared in disbelief as Triple H became enraged. He asked Stephanie why she had lied to him, accusing her of getting an actor to portray a doctor, and then showing him a bogus photo of their unborn child.

Triple H continued, “Steph, I have done some pretty bad things in my life. I admit it — I’m an asshole. But even I would not go this low. You disgust me! You care about nothing but yourself! You never gave a crap about us! It was always about you! You don’t have to worry about ‘us’ any longer, because as of this moment, Stephanie, our marriage … it’s over! We are through!”

Vince McMahon, who walked Stephanie down to the ring to a chorus of boos, got in Triple H’s face and pushed him. Hunter then shoved Vince to the ground before wrecking the altar and giving his father-in-law the Pedigree.

Stephanie McMahon and Triple H

Stephanie’s grief turned to rage as she began screaming at Triple H. He then pushed her to the canvas, causing her to experience a nip slip.

Stephanie’s right breast was momentarily exposed during this humiliating wardrobe malfunction on Raw on February 11, 2002. She wasn’t wearing a bra underneath her risqué wedding dress, which led to her nipple being visible on TV.

Following the wedding ceremony, the married couple became worst enemies. In response to being dumped at the altar, Stephanie sided with Triple H’s upcoming opponent at WrestleMania X8, Undisputed Champion Chris Jericho.

Stephanie had her second nip slip on March 12, 2002, at a SmackDown! taping in Cleveland, Ohio. After she kicked Triple H in his injured leg while he was going at it with Jericho outside of the ring, “The Game” threw her on announce table. He was about to give her the Pedigree on top of the table when Jericho struck him in the leg with the Undisputed Championship.

As Stephanie bent over to get in place for the blistering maneuver, her breasts became exposed. She wasn’t wearing a bra, which led to the nip slip.

With SmackDown! taped in advance, Stephanie’s nip slip got edited out of the television broadcast on UPN. However, uncensored satellite footage of her boob exposed managed to surface online, as well as a nude candid photo that a fan snapped at ringside.

Stephanie discussed her pair of nip slips later that year while appearing on The Howard Stern Show.

“It was really an accident. I was horrified,” Stephanie said to Howard Stern when asked if she had planned it. “If I had planned to do something like that, that’s one thing, but when it sorta happens and you’re not planning on it, it’s a little unnerving.”

Stephanie McMahon

In May 2016, Stephanie looked back at her second nip slip while speaking to world-renowned strength and conditioning coach Joe DeFranco on the Industrial Strength Show. When asked to name her most embarrassing on-camera moment, she replied, “That would be when I had a wardrobe malfunction.”

Stephanie recalled, “We were on top of the announce table I think and [Triple H] went to put me in the Pedigree and I was wearing something that was apparently too low-cut — even though I was taped in. So in the Pedigree you’re bent over and both arms are tied behind your back, and I am now looking at my own breasts that are exposed. And my arms are pinned behind my back, so there’s absolutely nothing I can do except stare at myself and think about how mortified I was in that given moment. Thank God that social media didn’t exist back then!”

She continued, “Although Howard Stern did somehow have a picture of it. So when I did his interview on [The Howard Stern Show] he brought that up. It lives somewhere. Now people [will] probably go look for it. Awesome.”

Stephanie touched on the subject again in July 2016 while answering fan questions on Facebook Live. When asked to name her most embarrassing moment on television, she said, “Absolutely when I had a wardrobe malfunction.”

Stephanie again recalled, “So Hunter and I were at odds in the storyline and as a result, he was going to give me a Pedigree. So I was bent over, and I don’t know that I should be demonstrating. So he pins one arm behind my back and one malfunction happened. Then he pinned the other arm behind my back, the other malfunction happened, and I’m now looking down at myself in full view. I’m bent over, so it’s not like everyone saw or anything. There was one fan that somehow got a picture — sure it’s going to surface — actually, I’ve seen it surface so I know that it lives.”

She continued, “And Howard Stern was nice enough to point it out when I did his show. And the other guest on that show at the time was Dave Chappelle, so that was like a really awesome, fun experience. But yeah, of course, Howard threw to the image and yeah, that had to have been my most embarrassing moment on TV, for sure.”

As if that wasn’t enough, Stephanie’s bare butt also became exposed the night before her second nip slip. And once again, the reason for her exposure came at the hands of Triple H.

On Raw on March 11, 2002, an irate Triple H ran after Stephanie, chasing her up the ramp and grabbing her by the hair. He then tossed his soon-to-be ex-wife into the ring. As she attempted to crawl out of the ring, Hunter gripped the back of her pants and inadvertently, her thong as well. Then when he pulled Stephanie back into the ring, her ass became exposed to millions watching at home.

Stephanie McMahon

Stephanie McMahon Photos

Stephanie McMahon
Stephanie McMahon

Stephanie McMahon
Stephanie McMahon
Stephanie McMahon
Stephanie McMahon

Stephanie McMahon
Stephanie McMahon

Stephanie McMahon
Stephanie McMahon

Stephanie McMahon
Stephanie McMahon

Stephanie McMahon
Stephanie McMahon
Stephanie McMahon

Stephanie McMahon
Stephanie McMahon

Stephanie McMahon
Stephanie McMahon

And that’s not all! Check out more hot photos of Stephanie McMahon.