– Above is the GFW Destination X pre-show with Josh Mathews. The show will air live on POP next Thursday in the usual Impact timeslot....
– Below is the latest WWE Network Pick of the Week video with Zelina Vega plugging this week’s WWE NXT episode. Following Andrade “Cien” Almas’...
WWE.com confirmed Monday that Scott Dawson suffered a ruptured biceps tendon tear while competing at a WWE live event over the weekend. The injury occurred...
This week’s GFW Impact Impact episode, featuring the final hype for next Thursday’s live Destination X show, drew 277,000 viewers. This is up just a...
Jessie Elaban, who began training at the WWE Performance Center in June, made her NXT debut on August 10, 2017, at a live event in...
– Below is the latest WWE 2K18 Dev Spotlight Series with WWE 2K Creative Director Lynell Jinks revealing the first footage from the game: –...
– As heard below, Max Jampole has released a new theme song for former WWE Superstar Simon Gotch to use on the indies. Gotch is...
– Below is video of Sasha Banks being made into a WWE Zombie backstage at a recent RAW show. The Boss was zombified thanks to...
– As noted, next week’s live GFW Destination X edition of Impact will feature the debut of the new “OVE” tag team, formerly known as...
The Rock’s Brahma Bull tattoo on his right arm is as much a part of his electrifying persona as The People’s Eyebrow, but that isn’t...
– WWE posted this video with Corey Graves looking at the most controversial SummerSlam endings – Bret Hart vs. The Undertaker with guest referee Shawn...
As noted, WWE and Eva Marie announced this past week that the two sides have parted ways. Eva, who is now focused on furthering her...
– As seen below, the latest SMOSH Games vs. UpUpDownDown video features RAW Tag Team Champion Cesaro facing off against Mari in a game of...
– Courtesy of The Ringer, below is great new “Table Reads” video of Braun Strowman re-enacting a scene from 2007 movie June, where the lead...
Below is the updated line-up for next Thursday’s live GFW Destination X special from Orlando, which airs in the usual timeslot on POP: * The...
– Below is this week’s After Impact video with Tyrus and Josh Mathews recapping the show: – This week’s GFW Impact episode saw Taiji Ishimori...
– As noted, WWE noted on Tuesday that actor Kal Penn was backstage at SmackDown in Toronto as a special guest of WWE Champion Jinder...
– WWE posted this video looking at a few of the international competitors for The Mae Young Classic, including Kavita Devi, the first Indian-born woman...