Backstage Talk on Big Cass’ WWE Future, Enzo Amore Note

Enzo Amore

Big Cass has been turning a lot of heads within WWE because of his look and in-ring work.

SEE ALSO: Backstage News on Big Cassโ€™ Singles Push, WWE Creative Praise for Pacing

While Enzo Amore was out of action with a concussion last month, many people were looking at Cass as not just a tag team player but a future singles star. Cass has been booked the way he has as a way to protect him in case they want to pull the trigger on a singles run. It will be interesting to see what happens with Enzo and Cass in the WWE Draft.

On a related note, Enzo returned from his concussion a few weeks earlier than some expected.

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Source: PWInsider