– Fans have clamored for Shawn Michaels to return to the squared circle since his retirement at WrestleMania 26. However, aside from a surprise appearance...
WWE recently swung through Arkansas, and while the Raw roster was in Little Rock, SmackDown stars performed at a live event in Jonesboro, home of...
– Jerry “The King” Lawler will be at the announce table this Sunday at the Royal Rumble after coming face-to-face with Dolph Ziggler on the...
On his podcast, Eric Bischoff answered a fan question asking why Buff Bagwell never got a main event push in WCW. Here is what he...
Find out who WWE had originally planned for Chris Jericho to face at WrestleMania 32...
We learned last week that Darren Young suffered an arm injury during the WWE Main Event taping on Monday night before Raw. The WWE Superstar...
WWE’s handling of the death of Jimmy Snuka on Raw last Monday was met with some backlash. But for the most part — and especially...
The King of Kings says this year's Royal Rumble winner is unpredictable...
– Believe it or not, Triple H isn’t eager to get back in the ring to wrestle matches in front of huge crowds at shows...
Find out what happened after Raw?
Long before he was inaugurated as the President of the United States, Donald Trump was a simple billionaire. Back in 2007, the real estate mogul...
– No formal funeral will be held for Jimmy Snuka following the wrestling legend’s death last Sunday. This is according to Snuka’s daughter Tamina, who...
Find out which NXT star Kevin Owens thinks could be in the main event of WrestleMania...
Shawn Michaels reveals what it would take for him to wrestle again...
What does Triple H have to say about Seth Rollins calling him out?
– Earlier this week, we learned Darren Young suffered an arm injury during the WWE Main Event taping on Monday night before Raw. The WWE...
– Monday night on Raw, Sami Zayn tried and failed to strategize for Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins before their Six-Man Tag Team Match against...
Get a peek inside the lives of Alberto Del Rio and Paige in this photo gallery...