Luke Harper
Although information on Luke Harper outside of the ring is scarce, what is known is that he grew up in Rochester,
New York and that his real name is Johnathan Huber.
Below is an image of the WWE Superstar's senior photo in high school -- since he was born in 1979, it would likely be
from 1997.
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Luke Harper
As seen the past two weeks on Raw, a video package was aired that featured Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper of the
Wyatt Family -- Erick Rowan was conspicuous by his absence. The short video was seemingly intended to put over Harper and
plant the seed of a potential singles run.
As usual, the enigmatic Wyatt did most of the talking during this segment. However, Harper actually spoke toward the end
of the package. The video further featured the typically static editing of the Wyatt Family's earlier promos, as well as the
familiar swamp-like setting. The so-called Eater of Worlds mentioned how he "found" Harper and that he had "nothing but
broken memories." After pondering, "what do you give a man that has nothing," Wyatt claimed he provided Harper with
"a reason to exist" and that he "fixed him."
Then, the man who has rarely spoken before began to talk. Harper spoke of trying to "piece [himself] back together...with
pieces of you." An off-putting threat to say the least. Wyatt began to speak again and quickly dropped the bomb that he was
setting Harper "free." A seemingly clear indication that Harper is set to carve his own path in the world of WWE. It's
unclear, however, whether he will remain at all tied to the Wyatt Family or truly be on his own.
The person behind this bizarre storyline is Vince McMahon. As you would expect, the WWE CEO is high on the 34-year-old
due to his above average stature. In fact, he perceives Harper as a bigger star than Wyatt. While McMahon still sees him as
a top star, he feels with the split, he can have two top-line acts instead of one.
Triple H, on the other hand, doesn't feel the same way as Vince and was against splitting them up. There is also concern
over Harper's ability to speak since he remains untested and is obviously nowhere near Wyatt in that department.
So where does all this leave Erick Rowan? That remains unknown at the moment.
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