A fiery redhead from Dublin, Ireland, Becky Lynch is ready to fight anyone in her path. Trained for the squared circle at the age of 15, Lynch traveled the world perfecting her craft before joining NXT in 2014.
While proving she could hold her own in the squared circle, Becky forged various friendships during her time at NXT, including one with Bayley and another with Sasha Banks as part of Team B.A.E. (Best at Everything). Eventually, Becky shocked the WWE Universe when she joined WWE's roster as part of the "Divas Revolution" — a member of Team P.C.B. (with Charlotte and Paige). Paige soon broke off from her friends, but Becky continued to be a star on the rise, culminating in her crowning as the first-ever SmackDown Women's Champion at Backlash in 2016.
One thing is certain: Where there are lasses to be kicked and arms to be snapped, you'll find Becky Lynch.