Home » News » Matches Discussed for WWE Hell in a Cell, WWE Open to Cena Turning
Matches Discussed for WWE Hell in a Cell, WWE Open to Cena Turning
Posted by Marc Middleton
on 09/15/2010
- Current plans for WWE's Hell in a Cell pay-per-view have Cell matches with Kane vs. The Undertaker and Randy Orton vs. Sheamus.
There is talk of building the Kane vs. Taker match as the 13th anniversary of their feud, since the two had their first confrontation in October of 1997 during the first-ever Hell in a Cell match with Taker vs. Shawn Michaels.
- WWE officials are indeed open to turning John Cena heel.Officials realize that they don't have anything that hot right now for WrestleMania 27. The idea of turning Cena h eel has been around for years but discussion about it has never gotten far because Vince McMahon always turns it down for business reasons.
The Miz vs. Cena is being discussed for WrestleMania but if Cena turns heel before then, obviously that match would be off the books.
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Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter
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